welcome back guys! Nowadays, many people want to play pubg bgmi game smoothly in their mobile phones but due to less RAM of their phone, they get to see lag while playing pubg bgmi game, due to which they are not able to play bgmi game properly. That’s why today we have come up with the solution of bgmi pubg lag fix problem, by which phones with less RAM will also be able to play pubg bgmi game without any lag.
Today we will tell you two different ways to solve this problem, in the first method will teach you to increase the RAM of the phone and in the second method will teach you how to fix bgmi lag using bgmi lag fix config file. By which you will be able to easily fix bgmi pubg lag.
Pubg Bgmi Lag Fix by Increasing Phone Ram
- When you download normal resources in bgmi game, game size becomes 1.5 GB, if you download all resources in bgmi game, game size becomes up to 5 GB, due to increase in bgmi’s resources the game uses more RAM, due to which if the RAM of your phone is less than you will get to see lag in the game.
- But the good thing is that today we are going to tell the method by which bgmi lag can be easily fixed.
In the first way, we will teach you to increase the RAM of the phone, due to which bgmi lag can be stopped to a great extent. After increasing the RAM of the mobile, you can follow the next steps, in which lag can be fixed by downloading the pubg bgmi lag fix config file. - To fix bgmi lag, first you have to download the swap – no root app by visiting the link given below.
- To fix bgmi lag, first you need to download swap – no root app by visiting the link given below.
Open the app after download, now the phone’s RAM can be increased up to 4GB, 5 GB, 8 GB, but we will recommend you to increase the phone’s RAM by 1 or 2 GB because when it increases the phone’s ram it will reserve that part of the phone’s storage so that you are not able to use that part of the storage. - To increase the RAM, an icon of swap size will appear there. Write there as many MB as you want to increase, for example, we are increasing 1 GB RAM, then 1024 has to be written, if you want to increase 2 GB RAM, then 2036 MB should be written.
- After filling MB, click on Create Swap icon. Doing this will increase the RAM of your phone.
- If you want to delete the created ram, then click on delete swap icon.
How to Downlaod & Use Lag Fix Config File
- Foremost you have to download the Zarchiver app by going to the link given below.
- open the link given below and download lag fix config file (60 & 90 fps).
- If you want to fix pubg bgmi 60 fps lag then download 60 fps file, If you want to fix lag of 90 fps then download 90 fps config file.
- After downloading, open the zarchiver app, now enter the mojolo password while extracting this file , by doing this 60 fps and 90 fps config files will be extracted.
- After extracting the file, you will see a file named active. Save file.
- Now copy that file and then open the android folder.
- Then open the data folder and then open the com.pubg.mobile folder.
- Now the files folder will appear there, open it then open the ue4game folder.
- After this, two folders named Shadowtrackerextra will appear, open both of those folders.
- After opening Shadowtrackerextra, a saved folder will appear, open it.
- A folder named save games will appear in the last, after opening, paste the pubg bgmi lag fix config file here.
- By doing just this pubg bgmi lag will be fixed.
ue4game Folder
▼ Save Games
Now Paste Active.Save File Here
How to Use Bgmi Lag Fix App?
Foremost, go to play store then download swap - no root app. After that, you can increase mobile RAM from 2GB to 8GB using this app. bgmi game lag will be fixed after increasing ram.
My passion is to develop and play android games, so I give information related to android games on mojolo.in and I am playing rummy and fantasy games from last 3 years and I have great experience about these apps.